Peter J. Bloom is Professor in the Department of Film and Media Studies at UC Santa Barbara, where he recently served as Department Chair from 2020-2023. He is completing a co-edited volume with Dominique Jullien, entitled Screens and Illusionism: Alternative Teleologies of Mediation that is under contract with Edinburgh University Press. His contribution to that volume, “The Flight of the Nightingale in the era of #BlackLivesMatter,” is related to a turn in his ongoing work on colonial film and radio towards digital media, media objects, and aesthetic display. In addition to a geographical focus on West Africa and Southeast Asia related to a monograph in preparation under the title, Radio-Cinema Modernity: The Catoptrics of Empire, Counterinsurgency, and Panafricanism, he has been engaged in a wide array of other projects. He has published extensively on British, French, and Belgian colonial media including French Colonial Documentary, Frenchness and the African Diaspora (co-editor), and Modernization as Spectacle in Africa (co-editor), among other publications.
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